For those who love their money, tithing can be a very difficult practice. Some people have an excess of finances and may not even necessarily feel the ten percent of their income, that is until their hearts are convicted to give even greater. For those who don’t have much income, tithing could come down to the difference of having the money to pay bills on time.
Whatever the life circumstance is–rich, poor, or somewhere in between–tithing is more than just money. Tithing is about our hearts and giving back to God a portion of what He has given us. The truth is that everything we have is from God. He is the One who gives us the ability and giftedness to even bring in income. He is the One Who gives all good things to those who love Him.
We tithe or give ten percent of our income because we are grateful for God’s blessing and hand over our lives. We give willingly and not under compulsion from man. We give what God puts on our hearts to give. We give in faith regardless of what bills we still have to pay because we know that God is able to bless us as we faithfully give to His kingdom work.
We don’t give to God in order to get something back from Him. He freely gives all things to us in His perfect timing. He promises that if we give, He will pour out a greater blessing on our lives.